yummOur commitment to Breast Cancer Awareness never stops, but for October? We kick it up a notch.

Because Yummie is such a huge supporter of breast cancer research and awareness (we celebrate breast cancer awareness weeks once a month for the whole year), we go to the mat in October for Breast Cancer Awareness. Giveaways, givebacks...here’s all the ways we’re honoring the month!

Giving away bras with buy-one-get-one
To kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month, starting 9/30 for 48 hours only, select bras are buy one, get one free. Our Nylon Cross-Back, Nadia, and Nylon Tanya styles are included (and FWIW, their sideseam-free construction, wire-free design, and ultra-soft fabrics make them ideal for giving your breasts a little TLC).

Upping our donation
One week per month, Yummie donates 10% of its profits on bras to our partner breast cancer awareness organizations, Keep A Breast and The Breasties. But for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we go big: we’re donating 10% of bra profits for all of October.

Downloading the Keep A Breast App
We <3 the Keep A Breast app – they’re our year-round partner in advocating for breast health! The app walks you through a self breast examination, reminds you to check monthly, and connects you with a telehealth professional if you think you might have found something wonky. Check it out!

Giving away even more bras on social
If free bras are your jam, you have to follow us on Instagram and Facebook! We’ll be giving away bras throughout the month, so make sure to follow for your chance to win.

Check out our revamped Denim Leggings that are stylish and comfortable.